วันเสาร์ที่ 20 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2551

Food for the future

It is nearly two hundred years since people first began to worry about the growth of the world’s human population and how it would be possible to find enough food for everyone in the future. Recently this problem has become more urgent as modern medicine has learnt how to protect people from so many diseases, so that thy live longer and longer. In 1850 there were about a thousand million people in the world. Today there are four times as many, and early in the next century the world population will be double what it is bow. Even today many millions of people are starving or suffering from the effects of having too little to eat. It seems hopeless to try to find enough food for twice as many people in such as short time.
Yes some experts are more hopeful. They point out that food production has been vastly increased in some parts of the world by the use of efficient farming methods, including the use of chemical pesticides and fertilizers. They also point to the research that is begin carried out the development to types of food that have hardly been used up to now. For instance, it is possible for human begins to eat food that has been made from leaves and grass. It many not look or taste very good. But it could save millions of people from starvation.
The use of this and other sorts of artificial food may yet solve the problem of feeding all those thousands of millions of extra mouths in the next twenty-first century. The next problem will be where to find enough space for everyone.


On this they, we got problem with human population and food diseases. There lots of people doesn’t have enough food then they tried to solve the food solution foe example they eat grass, weed, leave and even tree’s root. In the future, human population will be double.


Thousand million people in the world still not have enough of food and in future world’s population will increase, so we got very hard work to do.

Mr.Nuttapron Vijitpaisan No. 19 Section 6201
