วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 18 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2551

AIA affirms stability

This story is about AIA Thailand that face a problem of relieve demote insurance from customer that didn't trust in AIA.This problem start with an American crisis "Subprime" that make USA economic down many companies in USA become insolvent like raybrand brother,American international group(AIG).AIG is a headqurter of AIA in Thailand after become insolvent a consumer of AIA Thailand feel not assured in their insurance policy contract can be affect too ? so they relieve demote their insurance.After face the problem the president of the AIA said to the consumer that they has a sepaerate management from AIG so consumer can trust in AIA and don't be scare about this problem because AIA can handle this problem.
In my opinion I think AIA can handle this problem and didn't insolvent because they have a stategies to manager the problem.Although AIG gone insolvent but today news said that USA Goverment encourage AIG by giving them money about 85000 million to help AIG and another company to pass the crisis.

Parameth Rudeejaruswan no.30 1500213192
