วันอาทิตย์ที่ 20 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2551

Oil steady in Asia after $5 rebound

Oil steady in Asia after $5 rebound

The article is talking about the Launching a missile from Iran at the mouth of the straits of Hormuz,where the passageway of handles forty percent of the world's oil tanker traffic, influences oil traders and others are worried. Iran's oil waepon could prove more useful than any nuclear waepon. Moreover Iran could also disrupt oil experts guy the other countries in the Persian Gulf wouls effectively shut down the oil exports in the area which oil price abrupt changed in Asia.

I think that USA needs to drill for more oil here and not depend on imports as much, it would make our economy a lot stronger by keeping shipping costs down and we would be a lot less dependent on middle east oil and a lot less money being spent on oil there that they in the middle east spend on weapons to use against us, bleeding hearts that don’t want drilling here need to get over there self, if the government here had opened drilling 10 years back we wouldn’t be seeing a lot of what we are seeing at the pumps now, government needs to do the job they were elected to do and stop bowing to the bleeding hearts, homeland security and the economy looks to me like would over ride bleeding hearts that are against drilling, congress needs to wake up and do there job.


Name: Maythinee Puangmalee N0.37 Section.6201
