วันจันทร์ที่ 21 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2551

batman movie


from the help by lieutenant JimGordon and attorney genaral Harvey Den.Batman battle for destroy the terrorist in Godham but he feel under the bait with desperado Joker who cause Godham under the confuse.

I think the movie about story batman be attractive many movies because batman that be hero at help give the social not good come back to is the social that is livable go up and batman be hero in my heart.


Mr.Thanachot Nitikittada No. 31 Section 6201 ID 1500213275

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 20 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2551

Child Protection and Development Center


This passage is about Pattaya International Ladies Club(PILC) have a new project to help children in Child Protection and Development Center. they receive the donate things, money, cloths and they want volunteers to teach English to children.

Personal Response

I think we should donate things that we don’t use to someone needs more than us. Which every thing that we donate, It useful with them more than us.

Source : http://www.pattayamail.com/current/kids.shtml

Miss Kanlaya Kumsukda ID.1500213457 No.33

Prayad stumbles


This passage is about Mr. Prayad Marksaeng disition quit from The British Open because he played not good. He was disappointed with his form that it used happen before this game.

Personal Response

I feel that Mr. Prayad should endeavor more than now. I think if he don’t admit defeat, he can do everything that he think like Thai’s proverb mean where endeavor that you meet success.

Source : http://www.bangkokpost.com/190708_Sports/19Jul2008_sport04.php

Mr. Siripong Chuensuksan ID.1500213622 No.34

Technical difficulties

This reading passage is about which is origination business by mean of outsourcing for efficiency and cut down on. This is originations technical to a human.

When manufacture in America need support of using this business system.

I agree with the author that outsourcing for business because We are want to person efficiency it best came to woke in business. This is important in for manage business efficiency.

Technical difficulties
By Dave Barry
‘‘Outsourcing’’ is a business expression that means, in layperson’s terms, ‘‘sourcing out’’. It’s a trend that started years ago in manufacturing, which is a business term that means ‘‘making things’’. You youngsters won’t believe this, but there was a time when Americans actually made physical things called ‘‘products’’ right here in America. Workers would go to large, grimy buildings called ‘‘factories’’ where they would take a raw material such as iron ore and perform industrial acts on it, such as ‘‘forging’’ and ‘‘smelting.’’ By the end of the day, as you can imagine, they smelled terrible but they had turned the ore into something useful, such as a locomotive, or a toaster, or (this was not a big seller) a toaster-locomotive. The making of things was outsourced decades ago to foreign nations such as Asia. Today, we Americans are dimly aware that our TVs, computers, mobile phones, underwear, dentures, cartoons, etc., must come from somewhere, but we have no real clue who is making them, or how. After we stopped making things, America became a ‘‘service economy’’, which is a business term meaning ‘‘an economy where it is virtually impossible to get service’’. But now even our service industries are being outsourced. Take, for example, ‘‘technical support’’, which is the department you call when you’re having a technical problem and need to be placed on hold. Today, when you finally get through to a human, he or she is often in a different country. This is good news and bad news:

One-Two-Go Airlines suspends operations

Summary :

This passage is about One-Two-Go Airline that meets the problem about price oil which they will cease operations temporarily and they will raise the price ticket. Mr.Udom was not clear about his employee and passenger who bought forward ticket that how did he do.

Personal Response :

In my opinion, I think this problem not easy to solve. I sympathize with each other. I think if Mr.Udom will dismiss his employee, He should find the new job for them. The customers, he should give their money back or open his airlines for usual which One-Two-Go Airline should not raise the price to forward ticked and he can raise the price for new ticket. I think these way may be solve some problem.

Source : http://www.bangkokpost.com/190708_News/19Jul2008_news002.php

Miss Lalita Suthammarak ID.1500202021 No.5

WTO shrimp ruling welcomed

This paragraph is talk about shrimp exports to expensive because raw material high costs to make a risk. The US is want to Thai pay duty more. In 2004 Thai to argued with US because Thai not to want to paying duties an excessive. At last Thai and US to agree. And Thai to get access to the US market.

I think agree with Mingkwan Sangsuwan because he said subject negotiate import tariffs for to low cost and duty regarding to export (shrimp) to country. Thai to make relationship to various nations.
Source http://www.bangkokpost.com/190708_Business/19Jul2008_biz001.php

Name Valaiporn Nimitrmongkolkul ID : 1500212897 No.29 Section.6201

Team hero


This paragraph talking about Edwin Van der Sar' goslkeeper of Manchester United. He can save Manchester United go to the champion.And he siad it a good experience in his career of life.


Congratulate to Manchester United them take the champ. I saw this match and enjoy it. I think Manchester United is a good team because have a good players allover in team. I wacth ManU in next season this team will be take champion again.


Stomach bug


This paragraph talking about the grasshoppers have dangerous chemicals that are often sprayed on crops. And that make ill to the gilr who eat it.

My Opinion

I think now our food is dangerous because of so many chemicals in meat pork vegetable etc. So we have to safe ourself by ourself just choose the good food for ourself.



Miss Tasbih Tapradith Section 6201 No.3

Having a ball


this paragraph talking about Thai teenage have oppotunity to go to Manchester to have an good experience of a lifetime .


I think this is good experience for them that they be a fan for a long time and then one day they have chance to go there.


Mr.Panuwat Teerapatporn No.6

Internationalization of higher education


This paragraph is about Barry Sheerman is the Labour Member of Parliament for Huddersfield and the former chair of the Education and Skills Select Committee. He was later appointed chair of the new Children, Schools and Families Select Committee, which examines the expenditures, administration and policies of the Department for Education and Skills. He is an active campaigner on a wide range of interests .


I thing I want to study and stay in my country for my convenient of language not start from the be ginning and i think stay in our country it's be more safe that stay abord.



Name: Tiptida Tungjaroenchai No.38 Section.6201


Next season : with Rafa Benitez

This topic is about ... Rafa is talk about next season Liverpool Football Club that He talk about taget club , to be get Champion , shopping for next seasons

I think Rafa must to buy big name for club to get champion. He must to sale some player. I think he should to buy David Villa , David Silva , Barry and sale 5 player in club. But now I don't believe about Rafa choice. I think about 20 million for Robbie Kaean is very expensive. He should buy right,left midfielder more than forward. Anyway I still believe in Rafa tactic and I think in next season Liverpool can get every Champion

This summary is from www.koptalk.com
Kwanchai Piboolnurak 1500213655 No.35

Oil steady in Asia after $5 rebound

Oil steady in Asia after $5 rebound

The article is talking about the Launching a missile from Iran at the mouth of the straits of Hormuz,where the passageway of handles forty percent of the world's oil tanker traffic, influences oil traders and others are worried. Iran's oil waepon could prove more useful than any nuclear waepon. Moreover Iran could also disrupt oil experts guy the other countries in the Persian Gulf wouls effectively shut down the oil exports in the area which oil price abrupt changed in Asia.

I think that USA needs to drill for more oil here and not depend on imports as much, it would make our economy a lot stronger by keeping shipping costs down and we would be a lot less dependent on middle east oil and a lot less money being spent on oil there that they in the middle east spend on weapons to use against us, bleeding hearts that don’t want drilling here need to get over there self, if the government here had opened drilling 10 years back we wouldn’t be seeing a lot of what we are seeing at the pumps now, government needs to do the job they were elected to do and stop bowing to the bleeding hearts, homeland security and the economy looks to me like would over ride bleeding hearts that are against drilling, congress needs to wake up and do there job.


Name: Maythinee Puangmalee N0.37 Section.6201

วันเสาร์ที่ 19 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2551

Loy Krathong Day

On Loy Krathong day I didn't float a krathong in the river. But I saw a very big Moon. On Loy Krathong day I felt strange because the Moon's size was very big and the river to the top of the banks. Krathong is a "leaf cup" usually made of banana leaf as one often sees in the market.Loy krathong day is a happy day because everyboby has fun. Loy krathong day is the time to thank the goddess of water because I use water. Loy Krathong is on the 12th full moon every year

Loy Krathong Day is the night of the twelfth full moon of the year. Loy Krathong Day started in Sukhothai many years ago. I went to the river to float my krathong. The kratong was made of flowers, joss sticks, and a candle. The base of krathongs are made of banana leaves or paper. My krathong looked like a lotus flower.Today is Loy Krathong Day. My parents and I went to float my krathong in the river. When I floated it, it looked like a floating lamp. After that, I lit fireworks. Now, I feel very happy and had a lot of fun

Dendanai Photi No.10 Sec.6201 Id.1500204050


Magnitude 6.6 quake hits northern, central Japan


The Japan Meteorological Agency said that a magnitude 6.6 earthquake hit northern and central Japan on Saturday. The agency issued a tsunami warning following the quake. There were no immediate reports of injuries or damage.


In Japan there were the earthquake many times but it is a good news for Japanese because this earthquake is not excessive and there were no injuries or damages.


Amonwan Rungsiriyuenyong No22 ID 1500208044

First Positive West Nile Test Leads To Fresh Warnings From Health Officials


There was a confirmation by the health department of Toronto that they have found the first West Nile infected mosquito of the year which was found routine check in the Dufferin and St. Clair area. The health department of Toronto suggested that people who have outdoor activities should be aware of the threat of West Nile virus (WNV) from mosquitoes. The virus is carried by mosquitoes, and usually affects birds, but humans and other animals can contract it. Although the risk of severe illness from West Nile increases is depend to the age of the person who got infection, the older a victim is, the easier a victim can get infected. The health department of Toronto also predicted that in September the virus would probably spread all over the city; however, 80 percents of the victims who have this virus do not show the symptom.

Personal Response

In my opinion must have develop vaccine for spread out of disease and explain to the people to inject it. The important thing must beware the mosquitos bites. If you
feel something wrong, should will see the doctor.



Mr.Tearayut Chanwittayangkoon

ID 1500214745 No.39
One-Two-Go Airlines suspends operations


Thailand's first no-frills airline, One-Two-Go, has suspended all operations for two months for financial restructuring. One-Two-Go started operations in December 2003 and now is the first to fall victim to escalating world oil prices. The chief executive Udom Tatiprosongchai said that the company has been losing money for months, and we cannot continue like this.
On Friday, the airline announced the suspension of all operations from July 22 to September 15. It has 700 employees and eight MD 80 jets. A One-Two-Go plane crashed on landing during a heavy downpour on Phuket Island in October 2007, killing 90 people on board.

Personal Response

The rising price of oil is the pressure of all business especially for the all airlines. However, One-Two-Go should solve the problem of forward ticket sales with the best way for both sides.



Thanakarn Suwannasang No 25 ID1500212269

Shock GDP

The investment shock had an impact primarily on industrial production and did not quickly spread to other sectors of the economy-consumer spending and
services remained strong in the first part of 2001, The result was a slowdown in the rate of growth of March, unemployment reached its peak. This peak
was the reason the NBER dated the beginning of the recession in March.
The economy might very well have recovered quickly from this initial shock. There was a tax rebate on the way, the Federal Reserve had cut interest rates
dramatically startingin January and countinued through out the summer. In addition, the slowdown had not spread much beyond manufacturing.
Then came the attacks on September 11. The IMF recently estimated the impact on the U.S. economy will be in range of 21 billion, and they lowered their forecast
of GDP growth in 2002 by 1.5%. While the weakness had been narrow, September 11 greatly impacted the consumer-in particular, airlines, hotels and other
travel services were hit. As the shock spread throughout the economy, unemployment increased, and in the third quarter GDP fell by 1.1%.
September 11 can therefore be seen as the second shock to the economy that pushed it over the edge.

Source : Read while you breathe,headmade educational media.


The expense of consumer reduce, it caused GDP reduce in some industrial and then it caused to have unemployment increase.


I think the government will reduce interest and stimulate people spending increase.

Mr.Nuttaphon Vijitpaisan
ID#1500207731 No.19

Cambodia to fly international military attaches to Preah Vihear temple

Cambodia to fly international military attaches to Preah Vihear temple

Cambodia's Defence Ministry announced it would fly military attaches from China, the United States and other countries yet to be named to the Preah Vihear temple complex to view a border dispute first hand. Thailand has maintained the temple is in a disputed no man's land and that a Thai presence in the area was not breaching Cambodian sovereignty. UNESCO obliged earlier this month, but tensions spilled over Tuesday when Cambodia briefly detained then released three Thais it said had illegally crossed the border.

About this big problem , I think we should protect our country but we should use a peace way.Cambodia can send their military to protect their territory but should not attack to our territory.If Cambodia attack our territory or our military,we should use a peace way first like send an ambassador to talk to their prime minister and we should not send a military to fight with them because it will get worse.But if they don’t understand,we must protect our country although we must fight with them.


Mr.Nawaporn Phetkaeo No.14 Sect.6201 1500205909

วันศุกร์ที่ 18 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2551


DTAC and True Move to import HSPA equipment to upgrade their networks to offer 3G services. However both requests were rejected by NTC, which cited a lack of details of the re-arrangement of frequencies for True Move and potential legal hurdles. The NTC told CAT to re-submit details on the part of True Move again.


I thing it is good services because it have a new services to save time and effort. Info Service has gone ahead of DTAC on 3G services, and further delay would be a disadvantage

แหล่งที่มา http://www.bangkokpost.com/180708_Business/18Jul2008_biz51.php

From: Dararat Rodjanawiriyakit No.13 S.6210 1500204464

13-year-old Thai girl wins Junior Open


This paragarahp is about the thai girl people she name is Moriya Jutanugarn she is a championship in another country she a first thai girl people to win in this race program but she never come to play glof in another country about Europe and competitor in this race is praise she is a great player in this program.


My opinion to this news the girl she is a hero and she have a capability in this sport. Golf is a hard to train because must tolerance and diligent to training Golf sport is a principle to much in present the boy,girl,adult,old man thay can play this sport has a benefit about health and frim your body and then in the future i hope some people in Thailand go to international for number one in the world!!

แหล่งอ้างอิง :http://www.bangkokpost.com/180708_Sports/18Jul2008_sport29.php

From: Mr.Muratha Leelasoontornwatana No.23 1150209455 section 6201

Teenage boy dies playing online game

This news is about a young boy was found dead while playing an online computer game at a game shop. MSD said the boy may have had a congenital disease or suffered sleep deprivation.

I think the boy should have a limit when he want to play game so he have enough time to get sleep.

Wassana Wongcharoen Section 6201 No 20 ID 1500207798

Southern Peace ?

This news is about two men claim to be the head of Thailand United Southern Underground group. They Claim that now they support peace in the South. They use a Pre-recorded videotape broadcast without notice by Channel 5. However Gen Chetta said he wouldn’t guarantee that no violence would erupt in future.

I think the Southern part of Thailand still has no peace because the war has been there for a long time and it not going to end easy like this.

Thanat Kulachol Section 6201 No 12 ID 1500204308

Southern Unrest Staff flee Songkhla school


This news is about saboteurs who exploded scouts causes have a lot of turmoil in the district, schools that area canceled classes indefinitely, teachers moved to work at a school in Muang district and students go back to home immediately.

Personal Response

I feel bad when I know this news because my hometown is Pattani. I think it too long time that have this cases and nobody solves it as serious, I hate southern saboteurs very much, everybody have a trouble form them. I’d like to know what their thought to do like this. Because it was killed a lot of people in anyways.



Manthika Hem-angkun No. 18 Section 6201 ID : 1500206261

Weight Control Thai Food

This story is about disease fat condition has the rate increases in every group worldwide people , have a meal Thai , can weight control heavy get .

I think consuming food , should choose have a meal that be valuable . Because in nowadays the disease fat is born with every age person , neither will a child , teen-age and old age .The food carbohydrate or fat should avoid , should choose eat the vegetables , the fruit will better because decrease the risk level will to is the disease fat.


วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 17 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2551

Mr. Anuwat Santitamnont 1500204035 No.8

Indian opportunities for Thai business

This news is about the free trade agreement [FTA] between Thailand and Indian. Two countries have effect to increase 3 time of original value. Some potential businesses in Thailand have a plan to do business into Indian. From research lifestyle of people in Indian society have change to nowadays. It’s effect to opportunities for do business in Indian such as Thai restaurant and ready to eat food.

Personal Response
I think the opportunities for do business in Indian in this time. It’s good for export business and other business in Thailand. The free trade agreement [FTA] have a massive useful to Thailand and Indian. Its make income and relationship to two countries. I feel happy that Thai business has to run business on global market. I think lifestyle of people in Indian society have important to do business in Indian. It’s make many opportunities. Who can looking to find opportunities that will be successful.


Mr.Anuwat Santitamnont 1500204035 No.8

Remote rescue

This passage is about control the traffic lights by using a remote control for use outside changed from before that change the traffic light inside. He can catch who against the law easier

I think I like this technology because I want Thai people to have more discipline If this news spread out people who use the street will afraid and walk by the rule .the street will be more polite and more useful



Thailand gets high scores

this paragraph tells us that in terms of ease in doing business and trade thailand ranks pretty high and with lower barriers that make more consistent export performance , Thailand is diversified in export.

Personal respond
I think this news is good. When Thailand lower barrier Thailand will growth up too much. The international invester will investment in Thailand more than now. It make net income from international invester. The lower barrier will increasing the percentage of total export that make the invester require to invest in Thailand.



Central bank raises interest rate to curb inflation


This paragraph is a about the central bank was raised interest rate for control a Inflation


As a inflation will make a people to expend more than ago so government should do something to decrease expenditure such as out a government bond or raise a interest rate

ที่มา http://www.bangkokpost.com/breaking_news/breakingnews.php?id=128902

Panuwat Sae-Sow NO.15 SEC.6201 DI : 1500205966

Bangkok gold price hits all-time high

ที่มา http://www.bangkokpost.com/breaking_news/breakingnews.php?id=128862

Bangkok gold price hits all-time high Jul 14, 2008
This passage tell me about price of gold has increase, because the weakening of money.

I think the gold investors can increase a price of gold because foreign exchange rate of the bath will weakness if I have the money I will buy the gold to keep because I think when the baht will decrease of value I can sell high prices of the gold morn than now.

Tanapon Subruangnam no.26

News From Outer Space


This reading passage is about Space have using rockets and satellites to learn out space at all solar system. This is scientific approach of Galileo. International Space Station go round break through discover Pluto is no longer and chance we can go to Mars too.

In my opinion, I think I like to all star in out space. I have feeling its solar system have meaning for all people around the word. And I or people alive in word which is belong of solar system.


Miss Nuchsara Sriraung No.7

Four Life-Saving Numbers

This passage is about 4 important number that we have to know first is Cholesterol HDL,
Blood Sugar, Blood Pressure and Waist Size not only for heart disease people but all of us should to know and control it not over that the doctor recommend.

In my opinion I think healthy is the key to do everything.Youcan do everything what you want if you healthy. 4 numbers is very important for all of us like Blood Pressure or Blood Sugar now time to annual check yourself.

อ้างอิง http://www.readersdigest.com.sg/rd/rdhtml/en/magazine/mag_fullcontent.jsp?cid=6165


วันพุธที่ 16 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2551



This news is about the government has a new strategy for help people who have low-income by use six measure
· Reduce tax fuel.
· Control the price of cooking gas.
· Freer for use the electric less 80 units/month and discount 50% for. use81-150 units/month.
· Free for use the water 50 cu.m/month.
· Free to use the bus non air-condition 800quantity.
· Free use the trains non air-condition.

Personal Response

If the government can do these six measures. I think it is very good for to help people who have low-income. Because it can reduce expense to use in the continued life such as a travel expense, utility expense it can encourage people to use less electricity and water. It still can help to global warming and the important I think it can reduce stress for Thai people to support life.

ที่มาคอลัมSWEETENERS http://www.readbangkokpost.com/easyenglishnews/

Re-election in Malaysia


Malaysian PM Abdullah Ahmad Badawi will be setting up the re-election in December to transfer the power to his deputy, Najib Razak, but hasn’t yet set a date.


I believe if this situation is lingering for a while, it won’t do anyone any good. Since rising fuel prices still be a major issue and the stagnant political situation still, Malaysia should draw a conclusion on when the power will be transferred as soon as possible in order to tackle the situation more efficiently. Therefore, Malaysia should have the power transfer date set as its first priority. As the power will be handed over to Abdullah’s deputy Najib Razak, much pressure and a burden of obligations he’ll need to prepare because to improve this situation will not be so easy to implement though.

ที่มา : http://www.axilltv.com/bkpost-2.php?newsid=325379
วันที่ 15-06-2008
Mr.Natchapon Padungkietkamol No. 11 Sect.6201 ID:1500204084

Omega-3 Alert


We've heard that omega-3 fatty acids have many health benefits like healing cardiac or improve brain memory , low blood pressure and many benefits. Howevever the new reseach found that the omega-3 is a double-edged sword too for people who have a cardiac pain because omega-3 will reduce the heart ability to pump blood so it will increase the risk of sudden heart attack.if you have a heart disease you shold not to take a omega-3 over 3 gram per day.

Personal Response

In my opinion I think if we do something over it will take effect to us onthe other hand if we do something balance it will good for us like cardiac patient that take a lot of omega-3 with out doctor advice and have a risk in sudden heart atttack. I think they should to spread this research to everyone or every hospital and beware to take it over limit that doctor recommend.now it time to check yourself and take care of yourself.

ที่มา : http://www.readersdigest.com.sg/rd/rdhtml/en/magazine/mag_content.jsp?cid=3510


Fuel Cashback get 999 baht back at the Amari Orchid Resort & Tower Pattaya


Amari Orchid Resort & Tower Pattaya invite a tourist who want to go to relax during expensive oil like model not extravagant give come to tour at Pattaya because he will pay back to give with us 999 a baht when go to use serve with he when reserve the residence at least 2 go up he will help to reduce the expenses in the travel can give you and will have used to serve top grade from him because during the economy declines like this a person gives a person is born the pressure and the work more and more he then support tour for decrease the pressure from all work

Personal Response

I think at them pretends about story that good because be person helping is thatting bump against the pressure from the economic society and the work have good exit or the recreation place is good make those person comes back to have the power can continue working during the social has agitated like this the tourist attraction in Thailand should take "Amari Orchid Resort & Tower Pattaya" be formed type because will make a business has a person takes an interest and come to use serve come to go up with Thailand has will the circulating fund more and more and make the tension in his their work are down with

ที่มา http://www.pattayadailynews.com/showanc_news.php?IDANC=0000000195

Mr.Sumaetee Thongsakjinda No.4 Section6201 ID:1500201494

วันอังคารที่ 15 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2551

Sweet dreams


For a long time we did not nap in the afternoon. Because the nap can do by a children in kindergarten. Some researchers of many institutes had founded that a good nap is as good as a good night's sleep. A nap can help for everyone adjust the brain. Women are so beautiful and smart because they can sleep everyday. The managers and business owners should be know that napping can reduce absenteeism, increases productivity, increase employees retention, and saves money.

Personal Response

I think that a nap is a good thing for everyone. Because if we had slept about 20 minute per day. We will feel that it’s many bright. In one night people should be sleep more than 8-10 hours. If we had enough for sleeping all night. We can work hard and do good job. I think that it’s a good practice for many company . Staff or clerk can exercise or sleep in a little time for 1 day. Because it will create power and energy for everyone. The benefit will be grow up for company. So they can design activity and work hard and get more money. “”Let go for sleeping a few minute and do work hard later”

ที่มา http://www.bangkokpost.com/100708_Mylife/10Jul2008_family007.php

Mr.Visawa Mee-hame No.9 Section6201 ID.1500204043

วันจันทร์ที่ 14 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2551

Tourism Promotion for Taiwan

China travel agencies are going to Taiwan for fact-finding mission of travel pacts. As a result, Chinese tourists will be encouraged to visit Taiwan.
Personal Response:
In my opinion, I believe this will be a good opportunity for especially Taiwan to promote its travel sector. This fact-finding mission can yield much growth to Taiwan as much 3,000 Chinese tourists will be allowed to visit Taiwan a day. Not only does the entire island benefit, many parties regarding in the island's travel sector will be able to take good advantage of this tourism promotion visit as well such as hoteliers, airlines, tour operators. However, there's still an issue needed to take into account. Due to political differences, numbers and itineraries can be limited.
ที่มา : http://www.axilltv.com/bkpost-2.php?newsid=325384
2008-06-15 19:36:33
Miss.Salisa Boonyasakseree ID.1500213390 No.32